The One Funky World Foundation is a registered Australian charity that assists organisations in Australia and overseas that provide important community services but are limited by funding constraints. Current projects focus on the empowerment of people living with disabilities particularly through sports participation and exercise-based programs.

The One Funky World concept was built on the success of the Way Funky Company which brought together the support, ideas and passion of a number of young enthusiastic Australians who are committed to helping others and themselves get as much out of life as possible.



“To support through sustainable means, those in our society who are placed at a disadvantage through inadequate levels of support, funding and preconceived stigmatisation, that limit their ability to live independently and with the basic rights and living standards entitled to any individual.”

In the conduct of all its activities, One Funky World remains consistent with the values that underpin its core statement and the stated purposes below.

One Funky World will provide money, property or benefits principally to foreign communities and to the Australian community from time to time for the following purposes:

  • the advancement of health;
  • the advancement of education;
  • the advancement of social and community welfare;
  • the advancement of culture;
  • the advancement of the natural environment; and
  • other purposes beneficial to the community, including, without limitation, the support of organisations that provide important community services but are limited in this service provision through inadequate funding or technical assistance.
We are committed to providing benefits to the community through non-pecuniary means including:
  • utilizing the skills and support of volunteers, organisations and community-specific human capital to implement and sustain projects ; and
  • raising community awareness of organisations that identify purposes consistent with our values in their work to benefit the community.